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2024-12-13 04:52:26

Platinum new materials have great growth potential in the future, and the stock price is extremely explosive! Platinum is a new material, platinum in the stock! !Platinum in stocks: Is it expected to increase several times by expanding the exclusive blue ocean?

In a recent reply to investors' questions, Platinum New Materials said: The company's chip inductors are actively deployed in the fields of AI mobile phones, AI notebooks, tablets, wearable devices, etc. Please pay attention to the company's announcement for specific progress. The latest news confirms once again that the company's chip inductors have made continuous progress in the field of consumer electronics, technology and market expansion, which is inconvenient to disclose due to technical and commercial secrets."Please pay attention to the announcement of the company for the specific progress", "The company's chip inductors have made continuous progress in the field of consumer electronics, in terms of technology and market expansion, and it is inconvenient to disclose them because of the technical and commercial secrets involved", and the two replies echoed each other, confirming that Platinum's new generation chip inductors have made great progress in expanding the mobile and PC markets! A vast expanse of Lanhaiyi, which only belongs to Platinum's new materials, has started sailing, and the transformation and upgrading from new material manufacturers to semiconductor manufacturers has blossomed brilliantly! !Platinum in stocks: Is it expected to increase several times by expanding the exclusive blue ocean?

Platinum in stocks: Is it expected to increase several times by expanding the exclusive blue ocean?Platinum new materials have great growth potential in the future, and the stock price is extremely explosive! Platinum is a new material, platinum in the stock! !

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